Helicopter UH-1H 69-15301

The following is Goldbook information on US Army helicopter UH-1H tail number 69-15301
It is provided here as an ESTIMATE of the history of this helicopter and is not intended to be the final authority.
This helicopter was purchased by the US Army in 0470.
Please provide any additional information on this helicopter to the VHPA.

DATE  FLT HRS    UIC      UNIT          AREA          POST          COUNTRY
7004   0    0 W0Y6AA OS TO CONUS      ITR CONUS                   AVCOMITR
7005   0    0 W0Y6AA OS TO CONUS      ITR CONUS                   AVCOMITR
7006   0    0 3300   AVN SEC EBD      6TH ARMY   FORT ORD         CBTDVCOM   
7007  48   48 WC44AA 176 AHC    AMDV  VIETNAM                     RVN     
7008  52  100 WC44AA 176 AHC    AMDV  VIETNAM                     RVN     
7009  35  135 WC44AA 176 AHC    AMDV  VIETNAM                     RVN     
7010  56  191 WC44AA 176 AHC    AMDV  VIETNAM                     RVN     
7011  25  216 WC44AA 176 AHC    AMDV  VIETNAM                     RVN     
7012  83  299 WC44AA 176 AHC    AMDV  VIETNAM                     RVN     
7101   7  306 WARTAA 71 AHC           VIETNAM                     RVN     
7102 119  425 WARTAA 71 AHC           VIETNAM                     RVN     
7103 115  540 WARTAA 71 AHC           VIETNAM                     RVN     
7104  87  627 WARTAA 71 AHC           VIETNAM                     RVN     
7105  64  691 WARTAA 71 AHC           VIETNAM                     RVN     
7106   7  698 WARTAA 71 AHC           VIETNAM                     RVN     
7107  70  768 WARTAA 71 ASLT HEL CO   VIETNAM                     RVN     
7108  92  860 WARTAA 71 ASLT HEL CO   VIETNAM                     RVN     
7109  24  884 WARTAA A 123RD AVN BN   VIETNAM                     RVN